
What is Unani Medicine System


Unani medicine, also known as Yunani medicine, is a traditional system of medicine that originated in ancient Greece and was further developed and refined in the Islamic world. The term “Unani” is derived from the Arabic word “Unan,” which means Greece.

Unani medicine is based on the teachings of Hippocrates, Galen, and other ancient Greek physicians. It incorporates elements of Greek, Persian, and Arab medicine and follows a holistic approach to healthcare. The system emphasizes the balance between the four humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile) and believes that the imbalance of these humors leads to diseases.

Key principles of Unani medicine include:

  1. The Four Humors: According to Unani philosophy, the human body is composed of four humors that need to be balanced for optimal health. Illness is believed to occur when there is an imbalance in these humors.
  2. The Seven Natural Factors: Unani medicine identifies seven factors that can influence a person’s health and well-being. These factors include air, food and drink, bodily movement and rest, sleep and wakefulness, excretion and retention, mental and emotional state, and external factors (climate and environment).
  3. The Concept of Mizaj: Mizaj refers to an individual’s temperament or constitution. It is determined by the balance of the four humors and is believed to influence a person’s susceptibility to diseases and their response to treatment.
  4. Use of Herbal Medicines: Unani medicine relies heavily on the use of herbal remedies. Various plants, herbs, and their derivatives are used to prepare medicines that aim to restore the balance of the humors and promote healing.
  5. Detoxification and Regimen Therapy: Unani medicine emphasizes the importance of detoxifying the body through practices like bloodletting, cupping, and purgation. Regimen therapy, which includes dietary and lifestyle modifications, is also an integral part of the treatment approach.

Unani medicine practitioners diagnose patients by assessing their pulse, urine, and other clinical signs. Treatment typically involves a combination of herbal remedies, dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, and detoxification procedures. Unani medicine is used to treat a wide range of diseases, including acute and chronic conditions.

It is worth noting that while Unani medicine is still practiced in many parts of the world, its use and acceptance may vary. As with any form of alternative or traditional medicine, it is advisable to consult with a qualified Unani practitioner or healthcare professional before starting any treatment.

Historical Background of Unani Medicine


The Unani System (Greek system) of medicine dates back to ancient Egypt and Babylon. The Egyptians used medicinal plants as a treatment for ailments. He also started surgery as a treatment method. The study of papyri clearly shows the ability of the Egyptians in the field of medicine.
Imhotep (2800 BC) and Amenhotep (1550 BC) were some of the most famous physicians of ancient Egypt. The Babylonians also played an important role in the history of Greek medicine. During the Asclepian period (1200 BC), the Greeks developed this art of medicine on the medical knowledge of the Egyptians and Babylonians. Hippocrates (460-370 BC) freed medicine from the realm of superstition and magic and gave it the status of a science. He was a dominant figure in the classical period of Greek medical history. By discovering the natural causes of diseases and recording existing knowledge, he laid the foundation for developing medicine as a systematic science. The Roman scholar Galen (129-200 AD) solidified the foundation of this science. Arab and Persian scholars and physicians such as Rabun al-Tabari (775-890), al-Razi (865-925) and Ibn Sina (980-1037) took the Greek system of medicine to new heights.